Bruno Chiarini [...] Salvore Monaco looks back at the metaphorical classical world, but   in a detached and renewed way [...]
Roberta Fiorini [...]  Monaco's paintings possess an unusual strenght and concreteness [...]
Giuseppe Labate [...]  His typical chromatic scale reminds of the bright colours  used in the Renaissance frescos [...]
Elvio Natali [...] The figures of his paintings look extremely well delinated,  as if   they were carefully  "turned" by his hands [...]
Franca Nesi [...] The impression you get looking at Monaco's works is that  they   are the result of  an extremely imaginative composition [...]
Tommaso Paloscia [...] Salvatore Monaco's figures are huge and  stand out like gigantic monuments [...]
Alvaro Spagnesi [...]  Salvatore Monaco offers a poweful "estrangement" from the present [...]



Salvatore Monaco

Tel. (0039) 55.588.449